Tired of staring at a blank page with absolutely no idea what to draw? Then you’re in the right place! I’m going to show simple exercises to help you crush that creative block into dust! Let’s dive into twelve effective exercises that will help you create fresh and exciting sketching and drawing ideas.
1. Scribble Sketch / Drawing Ideas
Start by making a random, messy scribble on your page, something loose and unintentional. Then, study the scribble and find a way to turn it into a recognizable drawing, whether it’s a character, an animal, or a unique abstract design. This exercise encourages creativity by forcing you to see potential in randomness.
Want to see how to use ChatGPT to generate drawing prompts? See my step-by-step guide here: How to Create Your Own Drawing Prompts in 2025 FREE
2. Blind Contour Drawing Ideas
Next, choose an object, close your eyes or don’t look at your paper, and begin to draw it using a single line. This might feel a little strange at first, but it’s a great way to forget about perfection and focus on the movement of your hand. Sure, the result might not be something you’ll want to frame and hang on your wall, but this exercise will help shift your mindset from accurate to playful.
3. Word Association Web
The idea behind this one is simple: inspiration from words. Start by writing a central word, for example “ocean,” on a piece of paper. Then, branch out with related words that come to mind, ex. “mysterious creatures,” “whirlpools,” and “hidden treasures.” So, you’re basically building a mind map. Try to create sub-branches with each connected word for a potential starting point for a new sketch. This exercise is an excellent way to map out drawing ideas visually and explore concepts you may not have thought of before.
TIP: For formal drawing lessons you can learn from home check out Proko.
4. Memory Sketch
Think of an object, place, or character from memory, something you haven’t seen in a while. Now try to sketch it without looking up references. Once you’ve finished, compare your sketch to a real image and note the differences. This exercise strengthens observation skills and encourages you to develop your visual memory.
5. Reverse Drawing Challenge
Now, let’s add a twist to your routine. Choose a finished drawing or a photo reference and break it down into basic shapes and forms. Then, think about how these shapes could be rearranged to create something entirely new. This approach helps you look at familiar elements in a new light and sparks drawing ideas that are both innovative and surprising.
6. Redraw an Old Sketch
Revisiting old work is another powerful way to find inspiration. Pull out an unfinished or old drawing that you felt lacked something and redraw it with new details, techniques, or perspectives. Often, the combination of past and present insights can lead to fresh drawing ideas that feel both nostalgic and revitalizing.
Got a dark sense of humor? Try 41,000 OFFENSIVE DRAWING PROMPTS.
7. Drawing Ideas from Everyday Objects
Look around you and choose two unrelated objects (e.g., a clock and a cat, or a lamp and a trash bin) and combine them into a single drawing. Nothing interesting around you? Try thinking of two random objects from recent memory. This forces your brain to think in unexpected ways and can lead to unique and imaginative drawing ideas.
8. Music as a Muse
Put on a song or piece of music that evokes strong emotions, and let it guide your pencil. Listen closely to the rhythm and mood and create marks and shapes that align with what you hear. What comes to mind when you hear the music? Let your thoughts flow and start sketching whatever comes to mind.
YouTube is a great source for free music to inspire creativity: Inspirational Music For Creative People — Chillout Mix
9. Draw from Dreams
Keep a small journal by your bedside or use the notes app on your phone to jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Dreams often contain surreal and fantastical elements that make excellent inspiration for sketching ideas. Whether it’s a bizarre character, a peculiar landscape, or an odd sequence of events, turning your dreams into drawings can lead to incredibly original art pieces.
10. Alphabet Inspiration
Start by setting a 10-minute timer. Beginning with the letter “A”, make a quick sketch of the first thing that comes to mind that starts with the letter “A”. For example, sketch an apple. Don’t over think it, just make a quick sketch and move on to the next letter. Now make a sketch of something that starts with the letter “B”, then “C” and so on until the timer is up. See how many sketches you can make before the timer is done.
Alternatively: Pick a word, for example “INSPIRATION”, then make a sketch from each letter of that word. Sketch something that starts with the letter “I”, then “N” and so on. The timer is option for this one.
11. Hybrid Creature Drawing Ideas
This one is like No. 7 except now we’re combining creatures instead of random objects. Pick any two random animals (fictional & extinct animals are great for this exercise too). Think of how they might merge and what environment they would exist in. Try to think of several different combinations until one piques your interest. Feel free to use any reference images needed. Here’s a couple examples to get you started: Shark + Dragon, Sloth + Cat, or a Ladybug + Rhino. There are countless possibilities to inspire you for your next drawing.
Alternatively: Try combining an animal and a plant, ex. Snail + Cactus.
12. Offensive Drawing Ideas!
This one is only for artists with a dark sense of humor and who aren’t easily offended. This exercise pushes creativity into unexpected and sometimes into the bizarre, edgy, or completely ridiculous. Using the 41,000 Offensive Drawing Prompts deck is simple: shuffle the three included decks, draw a random card from each, and embrace whatever wild prompt you get. As the name suggests, there are literally over 41,000 possible combinations. If you only drew one prompt a day that’s more than enough for an entire lifetime of drawing prompts! Here’s a few drawing ideas straight from the deck:
SpongeBob, with an afro, smoking a joint.
Betty Boop, with butt implants, twerking.
Homer Simpson, body decaying, hanged.
Remember, the more you draw, the more ideas will come. Whether you’re transforming scribbles into creatures, combining random objects, or pushing boundaries with outrageous prompts, every sketch brings you closer to unlocking your unique style. So, grab your sketchbook and have fun. Don’t overthink it. Just create.